Why You Should Watch Old Movies?

Back To The Movies
3 min readOct 26, 2020


Old Hollywood

Movies offer us so much beyond the art of storytelling and can be very important to society. People learn through experience, and movies offer a way for us to visualize experiences we might not understand. Not only can movies help people better understand their own lives, but also the lives of those around us. When watching movies, people often empathize with a character when they can relate to the conflicts or experiences the character goes through. The combinations of images, dialogue, lighting, music, sound, and special effects all bring out deep feelings that help us reflect on our own lives. They also allow us to escape from reality and allow ourselves to be transported into a new world filled with characters we love and look up to.

The Beauty of Classics

Images from some of the top classic movies

New movies are being made every day, but something that many movie-goers often neglect is the classics. The films that started it all or began a new path for the films we see today. Classic films are important when it comes to the cinema because they transport us into another era we once remember or even have never lived in. Not only do classic films show us how cinema has changed and developed over time through new acting methods, sounds, and effects, but they also show us how society has changed. By watching old movies we can see the change in society through the style, themes, and cultural values that are presented.

Don’t Shy Away from Black and White

Casablanca (1942)

While color is very important in movies to make them more engaging, black and white films still offer great value. Many avoid movies in black and white because they don’t think they are as interesting or appealing. There is no denying that color can help set different moods and emotions in the film, but black and white still give movies beautiful tones and contrasts. Early films were shot in black and white because it was difficult to produce a film in color, but even still today some movies are purposely shot in black and white because it can make a movie more authentic given the period in which it is set in or simply to convey a specific emotion or deep feelings.

Take a look at the 1939 movie, The Wizard of Oz, which was one of the earliest films to be in color. This movie begins without color and transitions to a colorful world which gives the movie a fantastic magical feel. The black and white scenes are filled with deep emotions and when we’re introduced to color there is a whole new meaning.

The Wizard of Oz
The Wizard of Oz

Looking back at old movies is opens you up to a new world of cinema and amazing stories. They can give us a new perspective on cinema and what we see on-screen today. When you’re deciding on your next movie to watch, why not go for one of the classics?

Watch this video to learn more about why you should watch black and white movie

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Back To The Movies

Take a look back in time to the movies that made history.